19 May, 2014

The Story of

"Sing Me to Sleep"

Years ago, in his previous life as a Seattle recording studio owner, Terry MacDonald engineered "Sing Me to Sleep", a CD of lullabies for newborns conceived and produced by longtime Seattle TV host Cliff Lenz, an incredibly talented composer/musician, with lyrics by Cliff's wife, the incomparable Lana Rae Lenz. The concept was brilliant: fully orchestrated lullabies, half of the tracks featuring lead vocals by Valerie Thoma, while second versions of all the songs dropped the vocal and replaced it with a lead instrument so that the new mom could sing the song to her new baby. The CD package came with lyric packs which could be hung on the baby's crib for Mom's reference. It was a fabulous project. Cliff's company, Starwind Music, sold thousands of copies, and Cliff to this day sells Terry a dozen at a time so Terry & Caroline can give them to all the new moms they know. To hear one of the lullabies, simply click on the CD cover below...


18 May, 2014

"Olympic Sunset"

T.R. MacDonald's latest oil painting ...


15 May, 2014

"Light Socket Girl"

Ms. Ezme Ziegler of Austin, Texas Is the Star of Her Mom's Ongoing Comedy Series...


15 May, 2014

"October Road: Brown County, Indiana""

T.R. MacDonald's next to latest oil painting ...


15 May, 2014

And Now, by Popular Demand...

Austin's Ezme Ziegler Stars in the Legendary

"Peek-a-Boo Video"


13 May, 2014


"Nazis: Evolution of Evil"

Week 7: 'The Final Solution'

"Nazis: Evolution of Evil", narrated by Terry MacDonald, airs every Wednesday at 10/9 Central on the newly renamed American Heroes Channel. Check your local cable provider's guide for showtimes near you.

Tomorrow evening, May 14: "The Final Solution." The most moving episode in the 10-part series shows how Hitler and his fellow madmen attempted to eradicate the Jews from Europe, and nearly succeeded. This is the episode to watch. It truly is the culmination of the Nazi criminal conspiracy--mass murder on an industrial scale. It's a heart-wrenching and jaw-dropping thing to witness. And we all should witness it.

For AHC, Executive Producer is John Terp. Coordinating Producer is Marissa Lucy.

Please join us this and every Wednesday evening at 10/9 Central. Or set your DVR so you never miss an episode.



3 May, 2014

Dogwoods & Azaleas

This is a special treat for our sister, Mary Ballou Bentley McDonald, who grew up in Virginia but has spent most of her life in the West, far from the blooming dogwoods and azaleas back here in the Mid-Atlantic. Enjoy, Mary B...



3 May, 2014

...and then there's...

Quiet Waters Park

...only a few blocks away, and a wonderful place year-round, but especially in Spring & Fall.



...walking miles around Quiet Waters is very tiring for Emperor Po...




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